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MIBiG Database

Zdouc, M.M.;* Blin, K.;* Louwen, N.L.L.; Navarro, J.; Loureiro, C.; [142 authors]; Kalkreuter, E.; [136 authors]; van der Hooft, J.J.J.; Linington, R.G.; Weber, T.; Medema, M.H. MIBiG 4.0: advancing biosynthetic gene cluster curation through global collaboration. Nucleic Acids Res. 2024, 53, D678-D690. Link



PKS Domain Structure

Steele, A.D.; Meng, S.; Li, G.; Kalkreuter, E.; Chang, C.; Shen, B. Structural insights into the mechanism of a polyketide synthase thiocysteine lyase domain. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 32605-32617. Link

Tetrayne enediyne precursor


Unified Enediyne Biosynthesis

Gui, C.;* Kalkreuter, E.;* Lauterbach, L.; Yang, D.; Shen, B. Enediyne biosynthesis unified by an iodinated linear tetrayne intermediate. Nat. Chem. Biol. 2024, 20, 1210-1219. Link


Natural Products Discovery Center

Kalkreuter, E.;* Kautsar, S.A.;* Yang, D.;* Teijaro, C.N.;* Bader, C.D.;* Fluegel, L.L.;† Davis, C.M.;† Simpson, J.R.;† Steele, A.D.; Gui, C.; Meng, S.; Li, G.; Viehrig, K.; Ye, F.; Su, P.; Kiefer, A.F.; Lauterbach, L.; Nichols, A.; Cepeda, A.J.; Yan, W.; Fan, B.; Jiang, Y.; Adhikari, A.; Zheng, C.-J.; Shen, B. The Natural Products Discovery Center: release of the first 8490 sequenced strains for exploring Actinobacteria biosynthetic diversity. bioRxiv 2023, 2023.12.14.571759. Link



PKS ATs and TEs

Steele, A.D.; Jiang, H.; Pan, G.; Lim, S.-K.; Kalkreuter, E.; Kwong, T.; Ju, J.; Rajski, S.; Shen, B. Discrete acyltransferases and thioesterases in iso-migrastatin and lactimidomycin biosynthesis. Biochemistry, 2024, 63, 563-575. Link


Microbial Platform Engineering

Fluegel, L.L.;* Deng, M.;* Su, P.;* Kalkreuter, E.; Yang, D.; Rudolf, J.D.; Dong, L.-B.; Shen, B. Development of platensimycin, platencin, and platensilin overproducers by biosynthetic pathway engineering and fermentation medium optimization. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 2024, 51, kuae003. Link



Cofactorless Oxygenases

Gui, C.;* Kalkreuter, E.;* Liu, Y.-C.; Li, G.; Steele, A.D.; Yang, D.; Chang, C.; Shen, B. Cofactorless oxygenases guide anthraquinone-fused enediyne biosynthesis. Nat. Chem. Biol., 2024, 20, 243-250. Link


Enediyne Origins

Bhardwaj, M.; Cui, Z.; Hankore, F.D.; Moonschi, F.H.; Esfahani, H.S.; Kalkreuter, E.; Gui, C.; Yang, D.; Phillips Jr., G.N.; Thorson, J.S.; Shen, B.; Van Lanen, S.G. A discrete intermediate for the biosynthesis of both the enediyne core and the anthraquinone moiety of enediyne natural products. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2023, 120, e2220468120. Link




MIBiG Database

Terlouw, B.R.; Blin, K.; Navarro-Muñoz, J.C.; Avalon, N.E.; Chevrette, M.G.; Egbert, S.; Lee, S.; Meijer, D.; Recchia, M.J.J.; Reitz, Z.L.; van Santen, J.A.; Selem-Mojica, N.; Tørring, T.; Zaroubi, L.; [25 authors]; Kalkreuter, E.; [38 authors]; Collemare, J.; Linington, R.G.; Weber, T.; Medema, M.H. MIBiG 3.0: a community-driven effort to annotate experimentally validated biosynthetic gene clusters. Nucleic Acids Res., 2022, 51, D603-D610. Link


Enediyne-Anthraquinone Fusion

Gui, C.*; Kalkreuter, E.*; Liu, Y.-C.; Adhikari, A.; Teijaro, C.N.; Yang, D.; Chang, C.; Shen, B. Intramolecular C-C bond formation links anthraquinone and enediyne scaffolds in tiancimycin biosynthesis. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2022, 144, 20452-20462. Link




Enzyme Mechanisms

Kalkreuter, E.; Shen, B. MIO-containing aminomutases for α- to β-amino acids. Trends Chem., 2022, 4, 91-92. Mechanism of the Month. Link


PKS SH Domain

Meng, S.; Steele, A.D.; Yan, W.; Pan, G.; Kalkreuter, E.; Liu, Y.-C.; Xu, Z.; Shen, B. Thiocysteine lyases as polyketide synthase domains installing hydropersulfide into natural products and a hydropersulfide methyltransferase. Nat. Commun., 2021, 12, 1-11. Link



MD-Guided PKS Engineering

Kalkreuter, E.; Bingham, K.S.; Keeler, A.M.; Lowell, A.N.; Schmidt, J.J.; Sherman, D.H.; Williams, G.J. Computationally-guided exchange of substrate selectivity motifs in a modular polyketide synthase acyltransferase. Nat. Commun., 2021, 12, 2193. Link


Discovery of Thioangucyclines

Cao, M.; Zheng, C.-J.; Yang, D.; Kalkreuter, E.; Adhikari, A.; Liu, Y.-C.; Rateb, M.E.; Shen, B. Cryptic sulfur incorporation in thioangucycline biosynthesis. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021, 133, 7216-7223. Link



Thioacid Arylamine N-acyltransferase

Zheng, C.-J.*; Kalkreuter, E.*; Fan, B.-Y.; Liu, Y.-C.; Dong, L.-B.; Shen, B. PtmC catalyzes the final step of thioplatensimycin, thioplatencin, and thioplatensilin biosynthesis and expands the scope of arylamine N-acetyltransferases. ACS Chem. Biol., 2020, 16, 96-105. Link


Genome-Guided Natural Product Discovery

Kalkreuter, E.; Pan, G.; Cepeda, A.J.; Shen, B. Targeting bacterial genomes for natural product discovery. Trends Pharmacol. Sci., 2020, 41, 13-26. Feature Review. Link

Genome mining


Hybrid NRPS-PKSs

Steele, A.D.; Kalkreuter, E.; Pan, G.; Meng, S.; Shen, B. Hybrid peptide-polyketide natural product biosynthesis. In Comprehensive Natural Products III (Third Edition); Liu, H.-W.; Begley, T.P., Eds.; Elsevier: Oxford, 2020; Volume 2, Chapter 13, p 284-335. Link


Diterpenoid Monooxygenase

Dong, L.-B.; Liu, Y.-C.; Cepeda, A.J.; Kalkreuter, E.; Deng, M.-R.; Rudolf, J.D.; Chang, C.; Joachimiak, A.J.; Phillips Jr, G.N.; Shen, B. Characterization and crystal structure of a nonheme diiron monooxygenase involved in platensimycin and platencin biosynthesis. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141, 12406-12412. Link



Malonyl-CoA Biosensors

Kalkreuter, E.; Keeler, A.M.; Malico, A.A.; Bingham, K.S.; Gayen, A.K.; Williams, G.J. Development of a genetically encoded biosensor for detection of polyketide synthase extender units in Escherichia coli. ACS Synth. Biol., 2019, 8, 1391-1400. Link


Three-Enzyme Diterpenoid Oxidation

Dong, L.-B.; Zhang, X.; Rudolf, J.D.; Deng, M.-R.; Kalkreuter, E.; Cepeda, A.J.; Renata, H.; Shen, B. Cryptic and stereospecific hydroxylation, oxidation, and reduction in platensimycin and platencin biosynthesis. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141, 4043-4050. Link

Pik PKS Engineering


Bimodular PKS Engineering

Kalkreuter, E.; CroweTipton, J.M.; Lowell, A.N.; Sherman, D.H.; Williams, G.J. Engineering the substrate specificity of a modular polyketide synthase for installation of consecutive non-natural extender units. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141, 1961-1969. Link


Precursor-Directed Biosynthesis

Kalkreuter, E.; Carpenter, S.M.; Williams, G.J. Precursor-directed biosynthesis and semi-synthesis. In Chemical and Biological Synthesis; Westwood, N.J.; Nelson, A., Eds.; The Royal Society of Chemistry: London, 2018; Chapter 11, p 275-312. Link

Precursor-directed biosynthesis
Engineering PKSs & NRPSs


NRPS and PKS Engineering

Kalkreuter, E.; Williams, G.J. Engineering enzymatic assembly lines for the production of new antimicrobials. Curr. Op. Microbiol., 2018, 45, 140-148. Link


Nitric Oxide in Prostate Cancer

Sun, Q.; Kalkreuter, E.; Sun, C.Q.; Arnold, R.S.; Petros, J.A. Mitochondrial DNA mutations enhance proliferation via modulation of cellular nitric oxide, an effect amenable to pharmacologic manipulation. J. Urol., 2013, 189, e88-e89. Link


Stem Cell Patents

Shyntum, Y.; Kalkreuter, E. Stem cell patents—reexamination/litigation—the last 5 years. Tissue. Eng. Part B Rev., 2009, 15, 87-90. Link

Kalkreuter Lab

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